Sunday, February 14, 2010

Different Types of Running

I have not run since Thursday so i thought i'd take this opportunity to talk about another type of running.

I ran into an ex boyfriend yesterday. I had not seen him in at least 6 years and considering he lives in a different state he was totally off my radar. It was quite shocking to see his face on My Territory (which is of course his territory because obviously we spent a few years establishing territories with one another and forgot to divide them up when we broke up.) You see this boy was my first real love. I was crazy about him for a number of years and we always managed to break up, make up, intertwine ourselves in each others worlds and generally cause chaos in each others hearts.

In the intervening years since then and now, i spent a long time running away from him. From that crazy love that bound two unsuitable people to each other. From the pain of walking away so many times, and seeing his back turned more than once. From the person i was when i was with him (think bong smoking, unmotivated, messy haired ratbag) and from the mistakes i made in the name of immaturity and desire.

Somewhere down the line though, i stopped running away and made friends with myself (and my mistakes.) Slowly i stopped looking over my shoulder and started looking towards the horizon instead. I can't remember when this transition started or even if i had a clear idea of what i was running towards, but last night as i introduced my husband to my ex boyfriend, i realised that i am where i was always heading. I am the person i always had a suspicion i could be.

This leads me to believe that maybe you don't need to know where you are going in order to get there. Maybe you just need to keep moving and looking ahead. And have faith that you are already on your way to where you are supposed to be. Even when you are moving away from something, you are inevitably moving closer to something else.

happy monday.


  1. Savoy anyone? no doubt the moment was very enlightening and made you feel secure and happy with who you are and where you and husband are going.

  2. I think you're absolutely right. I certainly hope you are...I'm never quite sure where i'm trying to go...
