Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What you need to know, will be revealed as you go.

This is the week of letting go.

I have moved. I have successfully shifted all my worldly possessions 1.8km from the house i shared with my husband. A 1.8km pilgrimage from Married to Single. I keep wondering if i moved out too quickly, if i should have tried harder, fought longer, bitten my tongue a little more sharply. Then i remember that it's impossible to be married all by yourself. Which is a very good point. Then i wonder why i am talking to myself and if i am actually losing my mind after all.
I'm turning 29 next week. Considering my '5 year plan' has sifted through my fingers like excavated sand, i am trying to let go of all the Shoulds that i had attached to 29. Instead i am focusing on all the Actual Things I Have which is so much better. So what if i no longer have a husband, car or cat? Instead i have an unwavering sense of self and a kick arse optomism that i am exactly where i need to be right at this moment. And where i am at this exact moment is parked on my sisters couch, listening to my niece and nephew play outside with their grandfather. Life is pretty sweet.....

Happy Thursday.


  1. Kit, I did not know you were blogging while I was cleaning! lol
    Congrats on the big move and I am sure much easier being in a positive environment with a cute car I believe!
    lots of love to you, Bron and the kids- you are welcome to the pink one if you like!

  2. Just wanted to write you a note to let you know I hope you're doing okay...

    DIvorce is hard, but in the long run, you'll be better off.
