Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 months single

Hello lovely people or person as the case may be,

I am once again avoiding essays by visiting the beautiful land of the internet.

So. i have been single for a grand total of two months. This is significant to me because i am not usually very good at being single. Before meeting The Husband, i think i had been single for a few months, the boy before that had scooped me up a mere couple of weeks after i'd left the last, and so on and so forth.
The funny thing about it is this: i LOVE being single. I LOVE not having to put up with other peoples moods and issues and, excuse me, shit. It's awesome and liberating.
I know that relationships bring lots of great things into your orbit but so does being single. i have TIME to do things. ENERGY to put into myself. and i can do whatever i want! it's ace. I understand i was in a different situation to most people-my marriage was for the most part, quite stressful as we piled on thing on top of another just to see what would happen. But I feel as though this is giving me my balance back.

Of course the pendulum will swing at some stage and i will crave having someone to walk along the beach with. As for now though, I'm loving setting the pace and being able to stop and look at whatever shells catch my eye!

1 comment:

  1. good girl!

    being single is awesome! i crave being single as much as i crave being a partner!

    me time is so important and i am so glad you are able to embrace it with two open hands!

