So that's the name for the short story.
I like it. It's a comment on the he says, she says nature of perspective when it comes to relationships. I mean, there is always your truth then the other persons truth then somewhere in between that is the absolute truth (which does not really exist except when saying "the only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth" which is just a contradiction really now isn't it?)
Anyway, i like it because of the reference to Love In The Time Of Cholera. And i like the length of it. I think it is intriguing. I would read a story called that. Yes.
In running related news:
My ipod was STOLEN and along with it, my much loved jogging playlist. The good news is, i can now buy a better ipod AND create an even better playlist full of Beyonce, Rihanna and you know what else? Some songs from the Lion King. I know, i know...it seems lame. But someone put it on at the gym the other night and it was surprisingly uplifting. Not as surprising as the amount of videos people have put on you tube from the Lion King but still. Who would have thunk it?
Talking about the gym, i better put my runners on.
Happy Tuesday!
Puuurrfect!! xox Muz