I've just been reading a post by Chantelle over at fatmumslim
She poses an interesting question; What are you waiting for?
It got me thinking about the stalls and procrastinations that are circling my happiness like sharks. Welsh still has no definite answer about his visa. We live in limbo-somewhere in between euphoria at having met and a low grade, simmering panic that this has made life very complicated.
There are options, of course. There always are. He can work illegally and risk being deported. I can pack up my life and move across the world. We can kiss goodbye at Melbourne airport and thank our lucky stars that we had 4 beautiful months together. But those options seem so SUCKY. I want my boyfriend to stay in the country. I want to not be so stressed about it, that the very reason he wants to stay becomes blurry.
This frustration comes from a couple of places. One, i like control. I like being the master of my destiny. Even making no choice is still making a choice. I am just about ready to march down to immigration and demand some sort of explanation as to why something as simple as being with the man i love, is being made so stressful. And two, i am really impatient.
While studying, i came to the realisation that often, the problem is not the problem. The problem is your reaction to it. For example, say your washing machine leaks all over the floor. It's only annoying because you have to mop up. But so what? The actual problem is that you don't like wasting time and you don't like making a mistake, But let's look at these a little more closely. Are you under that much pressure that 20 minutes spent mopping is really a waste of time? Let go of your expectations of how your afternoon should look and enjoy the experience. And as far as making a mistake, sheesh, go easy on yourself for once. Once the irritation is neturalised, you can actually look on the bright side-clean floor, toned arms, funny story!
Obviously, sometimes the problem is the actual problem but more often than not, letting go of expectations is the answer. For me anyway. Of course i want to to spend the next 20 minutes wasting time on the internet but wasting it mopping is also okay.
So i am not waiting for his visa to get approved anymore. I quit waiting. Whatever will be will be and i will be okay with it. I will be great with it in fact, because with or without Welsh, in Melbourne or Wales, I will be okay and I will still be happy.
That is the atiitidue. live for today!!!! Love you xoxooxxo Ly My