Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Journey

I've just been reading my beautiful friends post over at

It got me thinking a lot about the subtle choices that curve our paths and shape our lives. And also about the bumps and dips that we don't see coming that can throw us into a tail spin or send us sky high. As Welshy likes to say "Life is not a straight line."

My mother in law was a card giver. A letter writer, the gifter of books and at every opportunity, the sender of a greeting card. I have kept most of the cards she gave me. Everything from "I won't say congratulations because L is the one who should be congratulated on being engaged to you, but I will say best wishes" to birthday cards written in her broad and curly writing-always in black, felt tip pen.
In February 2009, I went to Europe for a month. I needed a break between full time work and embarking on full time study. As per usual, I got a card in the mail a few days before I left. "Bon Voyage!" It declared in black felt tip. "All the best on your holiday and when you come home, you will start a brand new journey and you have my love and best wishes for that too." She was, of course, referring to me returning to study. I think.
So i went to Europe, traipsed about, had a fantastic time if truth be told. I got back to Melbourne and had 6 days of jet lag and classes. On Sunday night, the phone rang, my mother in law was dead. She'd suicided. And a new journey had indeed started. But a completely different one to the one i had envisioned.

Fast forward to my last class of that course. Having painted my way through grief and sketched a new life outside of my marriage, I was single, at the end of a journey And SO ready for a new adventure. I assumed that I'd get a fabulous job, save the world, bite off more than I could chew. The next day I put on a pretty dress and went to a friends party. I told everyone how i had finished school, how crazy the last two years had been. I shared a beer with my ex husband and danced to this stupid song that seems to follow me around like a puppy. And then I met this gorgeous Welsh guy with bad manners and unusual eyes. I gave him my phone number and woke up the following day wondering if my qualification would be recognised in the UK. 6 months later I sat in his parents farm house in the middle of rural Wales and ate cake. Pregnant with their grandchild. Talking about sheep.

Once again, the adventure I was gearing up to, morphed into a surprise, life changing, beautiful, scary journey of epic proportions.

We have this one tiny life. A limited amount of forks to confuse us. A line of a certain length to lead us through the thick and the thin of it. We might not be able to choose our own adventures, but I am so glad that mine chose me.


  1. What gorgeous words Kerry wrote- I never knew that about her.... I am glad you have those cards to treasure. I would like to formally wish you well on this next chapter of your very full life! I am glad your blog will serve to remind you when you write your life story in 40 years time. I wonder where you will be living then??? lymy xoox

  2. best of luck in your next chapter :)Hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration! I am also hosting a cute giveaway (handmade flower ring+$20 gift certifcate). blessings.

  3. I am a keen follower of your blog and finally have the time to comment. Isn't it amazing how little choices that seem insignificant at the time can actually be the traffic lights to a new road, a new path, a new destiny? I love the quote from Welsh, very wise. Just wanted to let you know that I can't wait to follow your journey into motherhood, congratulations on all so far.
