Sunday, November 6, 2011

18 days.

I am having a baby is 18 days.

Sometimes i watch this program called "I didn't know I was pregnant" because you know, at least I am one step ahead of those people. Also, how do you not know that there is a squirming little baby in your abdomen? Bizarre. And how do you give birth in a toilet without called triple zero? Surely you can identify that this is not a normal amount of pain.

So we went to the hospital on Thursday for our final appointment, which in itself, is mega exciting. I have spent more time in that hospital waiting room than anywhere else in Wales. The doc jabbed me a bit, measured my guts and then gave me an ultrasound. She was just laying down in there like she had nowhere to be. She gave us a bit of a wriggle so we could go " cute" and then just went back to resting.

So 18 days to go, unless she comes before. Welsh is on a two beer limit and stares at me every time I make a noise, incase he misses the signs that I'm in labour. I've been asking every woman I know what a contraction really feels like. We woke up this morning and I counted how many jump suit things we have and Welsh climbed up a ladder to paint a window for some strange reason. We are so ready to have this baby and I fear that if she wasn't coming in a couple of weeks, we would probably lose our minds.

Last night was Guy Fawkes night and we went to a neighbouring town to watch the fireworks and bon fire. It was fr-fr-fr-freezing cold but lots of fun. That was our attempt to enjoy life before we are parents....we stayed up late and finished sentences and stuff like that.

That's all for now.

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