Sunday, January 29, 2012

dear little cwtch.

It's been nine weeks since we met, where has the time gone? It's disappeared in a blur of feeding, burping, playing, patting, "is she asleep?" "I think she's awake..." and of course, crying.

Your hair is getting so long now. After your bath it fluffs up like a baby duckling. It's so impossibly soft that i cant resist rubbing my cheek against your crown as you snooze on my chest.

You are starting to discover your world. You suck your hand all night and keep me awake! I think its almost time for you to have your own room....You smile at everyone, other babies, yourself in the mirror but especially me and daddy. You love looking at the pictures when i read to you now, and you grab everything in sight.

You sleep a bit more at night now and sometimes in the morning, I feel you wake up half an hour before you make a noise. If i glance into your basket, there you are, sucking your hand, kicking your legs and staring into space. If you catch sight of me, the jig is up and it's time for us all to get out of bed.

Your favourite thing is bath time and a massage. You are starting to scream when you go in the baby bjorn because you cannot see anything. You still hate getting in the car seat but you are happy once we get going. You have a preference for being sung to as you fall asleep rather than "sh-sh-sh." You won't let daddy rock you in the rocking chair, he has to walk around with you if you are grissly. I am allowed to rock you though. What is up with that?

You are so perfect little cwtch. I can't believe we made you. I can't believe how brutal sleep deprivation is and I can't believe how much better I feel when you let me sleep for 5 hours. I love you darling.

1 comment:

  1. such a special time even if it sometimes feels hellish in the moment.. we can't wait to meet the littlest miss! xx
