This post comes to you courtesy of my very sore fingers. Why are they sore, you may very well ask? Because last night i did boxing and i punched so hard that the blood vessels between my fingers have burst. Not it a totally gross way, more like in a tiny love bite between the fingers way.
So. The good news is that on Monday i went for a 3km walk and on Tuesday I spent an hour at the gym. This included:
1. Running 2km in approx 9 minutes.
2. Boxing
3. Doing some weird stuff to a massive ball and putting my feet in some hanging rings.
4. Revisting my worst ever exercise-a horrendous murderous thing called a Burpee. Stupid name, total bitch of a movement.
5. Pretending to stretch but really talking about french films.
The bad news is this:
My Quit Coffee Campaign lasted 48 hours. The problem is:
1. I had a MASSIVE withdrawal headache
2. I completely lack will power
3. I became nostalgic for coffee dates with my friends
4. Coffee breaks at work are BORING without coffee.
5. I just really really like it okay?
I am drinking much more water though and this morning i even visited Coles supermarket to buy fresh food to *gasp* cook. No more lounging about in restaurants for me. No siree bob.
Oh and the pretty? The pretty is everywhere at the moment. Spring is my favourite time of year (well equal first with Summer, Autumn and Winter.)
Check out some of my favourite spring things.

This type of Blossom.

This type of Blossom? Not so much.
We all know how i feel about dresses by Fleur Wood.

hanging out with these guys at the Collingwood Children's Farm

Going to see my friend as part of this.
ahhh...i love Spring.
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