I am lusting after the following stunning items. It's a problem considering i am broke but i am optimistic about a future in which i stick to a budget and therefore can afford beautiful items like the following.

Since my Ipod got stolen out of my car a couple of weeks ago, i have been dreaming of replacing it with one of these babies. I would like to make a promise to the universe that if i am allowed to have nice things, i will be much more careful with them.

I love this dress. Always have, always will. Fleur Wood is like a fairy princess who makes pretty dress dreams come true.

Two tone hair. I used to be able to go to the hairdresser every 8 weeks. She would trim and treat while i sat in a massage chair with a heat pack or glass of wine. Now i use a $12 DIY packet whenever i get around to it. i miss having nice hair. When i finish school and start earning money, a hair cut is the first thing on my list.

cute huh? Imagine how fast i could run in these!!!
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