Friday, October 22, 2010

The thing about love.

The thing about love at the beginning, is that it's just a matter of timing. It's the he and the she or the he and the he or the she and the she that just fall on the same page, same paragraph, same line, same tiny little word, all at the same time. And you are thinking "wow, this person GETS it. They get me and the world as i know it" Then it happens again!! Then maybe even another time and by then you are thinking "Well if we have covered this much time and space, maybe we should just stick to it."
And then you do and even when you are reading from another book you still glance over and see that YES!! Their book contains all the ands and don'ts and shes and hes that your book has. So you stick with it a bit longer and when the words get boring you look at the pictures and when the pictures no longer appeal you stare out the window for a little while.
Then you work on it and write chapters together entitled "The time we decided to buy a house" or "Once upon a time we created human life." And those chapters are enough to keep reading.

But it's the start bit thats gets you. That opening line. The smile on a tram. The "oh i love that book" that has you sizing them up and wondering if they hold your happily ever after.

1 comment:

  1. WOW...your writing is so incisive!! Beautiful, xox Mum
