Monday, June 6, 2011

15 weeks.

So by my vague calculations, i am around 15 or 16 weeks pregnant and suddenly, I can feel it. My stomach is an unusual shape that i have never seen before (on myself.) Different to I-just-ate-a-loaf-of-bread bloating and sort of neater than god-i-need-to-go-to-the-gym. It looks like...well, it looks like i am pregnant.

Welsh keeps reminding me of the incredible thing my body is doing. Just when I feel fat and gross his wise voice travels across the world (via Skype) into my lounge room. "You are amazing! You are creating life in there!" and i feel kinda bad that I am still so attached to a body without stretch marks or cellulite. Let's just celebrate that fact while we still can. I somehow got to 30 without these things AND I have never had a filling. I guess all good things come to an end.

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