Friday, June 17, 2011

Having a (welsh) baby.

I know I've only been here a week, but I am constantly astounded by how different everything is.
Firstly there is the way everyone speaks: "Alright? Alright. A cup of tea is it then? In a minute now, like." I am pretty sure the language barrier extends to them being confused when i mutter "WTF." And the accent. I cannot tell if Welsh is talking about his ankle or his uncle most of the time.
The absence of take away coffee from the closest cafe (3 miles from my house) also leaves me baffled. And the fact that lunch is called dinner and dinner called lunch. Again, WTF. And yesterday, I saw a badger. Yes. A Badger. I thought they were an imaginary mix of skunk and hedgehog. They are massive by the way. Like small dogs.
There's nude women in newspapers and it's raining in the summer time. A pot of beer is called a half or a girly beer and the streets don't have names but each house has a different postcode. Home births are encouraged and going to the doctor or dentist is 100% free.

But by far, the weirdest thing, was the appointment i had with my midwife today. Her name is Zeny but i call her Zany because it seems funner that way. She called me and then came over an hour later to talk babies. At least, I think that's what she was talking about. Let me tell you, doing a urine test your own lounge room feels slightly awkward. And then I lay on the couch while she let us listen to the baby with a doppler! In my lounge room! A doppler! I loved hearing the little whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh again and it was the first time Welsh had heard it. Zeny thought it was hilarious when he asked if it was running around in there (because the heatbeat is so fast.) People in this country seem to think everything anyone says is the funniest thing anyone has ever said. She also had a giggle when Welsh asked if it was normal that i was so mental. I said it is perfectly reasonable to shout occasionally when you are pregnant, have moved countries and your boyfriend is a fecking idiot. Zeny neither agreed nor disagreed. Then the home phone rang and it was a call for Zany from the antenatal clinic about referring me to a consultant because of my romantic uterus. So I'll have shared care which means Zany plus a doctor.

I have more to write but Welsh just walked in with two puppies. Apparently they fell in a drain so he is upstairs giving them a bath and i have been instructed to light the fire to warm them up. I can hear him talking to them. I promise I am not making this up. So it is very different but as long as there are puppies, I think i will cope.



  1. i love the welsh posts.. and i know Ken always says.. "like that. like?" "you know? like?" "and that was it! like!"

    I love your welsh baby too x

    p.s. and i love you too

  2. OMG/WTF. Love it. xxx

  3. If they don't find YOU the funniest person ever, there is definitely something wrong with them. Hilarious post!Amy ox
