Good day everybody!
We have had a glorious day and half of sunshine, but alas, the inevitable Welsh clouds have rolled in for an afternoon of showers and respite from the heat wave. I mean, it got to 20 degrees for God's sake. People were dusting off their fans and panicking about putting their children in the car. I wore a cardigan. No, i actually put on a bikini yesterday and sun baked in the garden until Welshy started mowing the lawn without a shirt on and I had to relocate to the conservatory. People go a bit bonkers in this place. I saw a nurse at the hospital spinning around, arms outstretched, face to the sunshine this morning. In the parking lot. I mean really, you don't have to purposely freak me out about having a baby here.
So I visited the midwives this morning to have all my bloods redone! How awesome! If there is one thing i love, it is spending hundreds of dollars in Melbourne getting blood tests and scans only do do them all over again in another country (luckily for free this time.) Welsh was impressed with how far i have come with getting blood taken. All the way from fainting and crying, general panic attacks and sleeplessness for a week before the test, to being able to actually have a conversation whilst i have a needle in my arm. Go me.
So she measured my stomach which is 19 weeks big with an 18 week old baby in it. Welsh loved that it's a week bigger as he has taken to calling me Tons of Fun since I almost had a heart attack when I discovered that I had put on a kilo and a half since i got pregnant. I just call him Shut the Eff Up and ask him when his twins, Fosters and VB are due. Then we eat crisps and watch the British version of the Biggest Loser.
Yesterday was my nieces birthday and I had that first pang of feeling REALLY far away from my family. I did get to hear her little 3 year old voice over the phone but God i miss just hanging out and talking Barbies and milkshakes. Thank goodness my parents will be here by the end of this week and if there are two people who love talking about my niece and nephew even more than i do, it is my folks.
I have been here for two weeks. Another 50 to go.
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