Monday, January 17, 2011

Follow Me.

If i was into drawing graphs, the correlation between my lack of job satisfaction and time spent blogging would be remarkable. It would come out as one giant X as motivation fell and blogging soared.

Honestly, i need to get a job. Yes, yes, we all know I have a job but i mean a REAL job. One that requires me to use, oh, I don't know, more than say 2% of of my brain and doesn't make me want to kill every single person who speaks to me.
The issue is that my qualifications and experience are a bit scattered to say the least. I mean, children's services, youth work, art therapy, working in a toy shop and no real desire to do anything other than blog? Hmmm...I think even my year 10 career counsellor would struggle with that one. Oh, and once I actually get my act together and register with a union, i will be qualified to work as a counsellor. Maybe i can career counsel myself! Or maybe i should just GET A JOB.

Anyway, while i job hunt, I will also blog but i need some positive reinforcement people. Click that "follow" button and make me feel like i am not wasting my life. Much appreciated.


  1. i can't wait to watch this space!

  2. You have a lot more Follows than 19, I read your blog through Google Reader.

  3. I don't know what google reader is but thanks for reading!
