Monday, January 10, 2011


Hello friends.

I have had an idea growing in my heart these last two months. I have watered it with imaginings and sunned it with 2am conversations with Welsh and now i want to acknowledge it in the wonderfulness of my blog. (P.s I find having a blog really weird sometimes.)

I want to go to Wales!!! I want to go to Wales and see where Welsh grew up. I want to meet his family and look at his baby photos. I want to sit in his local pub and listen to the curly words swim around me. I want to walk across impossibly green fields and complain about the weather.

I hope, HOPE, that he sticks around in melbourne for as long as he wishes. But i am equally excited by the idea of traipsing off to Wales with him later in the year. There are castles there! Castles!!

Obviously i will not go there forever and ever and ever. I know myself well enough to know that i would miss my family too much. And of course my friends would get really sick of visiting me every weekend. But just for a spell. A little spell in Wales.


  1. I am so tired I thought "Whales" oh she must want to go swimming with Whales at some stage!
    I think going to Wales would be brillant for you- just do it, book it and go.

  2. I will!

    I just have to wait and see what Welshy is doing. I will either leave in February and go to Paris from there or go from Paris to Wales in April and bring him home with me again. Either way=pretty cool.
