Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hey guess what? I just ran 1.2 km in the rain without stopping and i am not even puffed. I was also carrying a book, my phone, my keys and my IPOD. AND I walked an extra 1.4 km so retrieve my car. This was not even part of the program but more a spontaneous moment in exercise.

I was having coffee with my friend yesterday. We work together and drink coffee together quite a bit. Anyway, we were talking about crossroads (the metaphor, not the Britney Spears film) and about how to choose a direction. Her advice was to work backwards from where you want to be in a few years time. This makes sense to me and for some reason, is the first time i have considered this. I am more of a "It seems like a good thing to do right now and let's see where it leads me" kind of a girl.

So this is what i know: In three years, I would love to be living in a nice place. Not that i don't like where i live now, i am just OVER it. And to be honest, i would like to be living sans housemate. I'm imagining something cosy with lamps and beautiful prints and a big couch and teacups in every room. SO i guess the things i need for that are a job and a regular income that is high enough to support that kind of renting situation.
I would also like to be working somewhere in the field of writing. For this i feel that i need some sort of qualification. Soooo...i am thinking of studying Professional Writing and Editing. It's a two year Diploma, three days a week, around the corner from my house. I actually started this course module by module about 10 years ago. Then i fell off the wagon with an episode of depression and general fucking aboutness in my life. By the time i gathered my thoughts again, i was living in San Francisco, 22 years old and I had decided to study Children Services and save the world. This of course led to a few years in the community sector, meeting my ex husband, studying art therapy and BANG! Here we are again. I love writing. It is when i am my happiest. It happens naturally for me and is seriously the only reason i have been so successful in my studies. I sometimes have no idea what i am going on about but my brain can automatically sort it into sections and sell it.
I am good at being a student. I eat a lot of rice and forbid my friends from putting anything into brotherhood bins. I really want to do this. For now and for the future. MY future. Not the one that included L and maybe having a baby and moving to the Dandynongs and having a great big studio and running careless workshops. It is time to get serious.
And it's as simple and as complicated as that.


  1. I hope if you get into that course they teach you how to spell "Dandenongs" ;) I think you should go for it! I love the sound of YOUR future xo

  2. Wow. imagine a cross roads between dandynong and the dandenongs.

  3. i didn't know u started this course 10 years ago. u need to write. that course sounds good too.lymy oxox
