Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Plan A

So It's 2011 and time to start working on some of these resolutions. I feel like if i start with a plan then you know, I might have a shot at actually getting up and going for a run and yada yada yada. You know what i am saying.

So. Plan A is this. (I like to give myself the option of creating a plan B, C and D later down the line if needs be. Commitment issues much?)

-Run/walk three times a week. Increasing distance by 800m, 400m of walking and 400 of running, each time.
-Eventually, when the time is right, decrease walking portions by half.
-Stretch before running.

Also, drink more water, stop drinking alcohol during the week and eat a vegetable once in awhile.

AND plug ipod in the charge every night. It's getting on my nerves the way you always let the battery run down and then use that as an excuse not to run. Look, I don't mean to be hard on you but this is for your own good okay? Don't look at me like that.....oh...I'm can do whatever you want with your ipod. It's your life after all. Let's never fight again.

One more thing on the 2011 to do list; Get divorced.

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