Monday, June 4, 2012

It's not a war, but i will win this battle.

Hello friends!!! Sorry for my recent absence. The tiny person is quite time consuming and rather accomplished in dominating my attention at the moment. As I type, she is playing on the floor in front of me. When I say "playing" I mean screaming, kicking her legs, chewing a toy panda and making attempts to concuss herself on the coffee table. She is a genius, obviously. So six months in to the gig, and I have rather flatlined in terms of running. I mean really, who am I kidding? I am less fit than I was when I started this blog. BUT. I am making a change readers. I AM going to run in the Melbourne Marathon this year. I just am. So I am starting again. In life, you have to choose your battles and I am choosing this. In my tiny little corner of the world, in between breast feeding and Maisy, I am going to win this one. Yes.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Coop will be there alongside you on his bike! We are all walking that day and best thing is proceeds to Cp!
