Saturday, July 21, 2012


I've had a few friends email me about that last blog post and it's reminded me again how powerful words are. It's what makes us human. Not just the ability to communicate but the capacity to feel complex emotions and name them with sounds that other people recognise. That empathy, that resonance...that's what makes us human. So this week I got exciting news that a piece I wrote about living in the village is going to be published in an online magazine. I have not had anything published since my angstey poetry appeared in In Press Magazine approximately half my lifetime ago. This is different for me, than say blogging shamelessly about my failed marriage, because this time it will be published under my actual name. This means when I google myself, it will have something more interesting than stuff about my old job and the youtube videos my brother in law posted from my wedding. Wow. My ego desperately wants to link the piece back to this very blog but my common sense and fear of everyone in the whole wide world knowing that this blog belongs to me, overshadows that. i'd have to do an enormous edit and pretend like I am not some crazy lady who uses her running blog to vent about everything except running. By the way, I am so unfit right now, it is not even funny. I've been thinking about entering some short story competitions too. What I write is not really for magazines or newspapers. It's a strange little niche actually...observational, bit offbeat, emotionally reflective. Non fiction. Hmmm. I do like being read though. I like how that connects us and the feeling that people can relate to my own experiences. It's nice.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A month in hiding.

Well hello there strangers! It's been a whole month since my last confession, i mean, blogpost. A whole lots of busyness and change has been occurring in my world. First and foremost we moved house which has been so refreshing for a number of reasons. I have feng shui'ed the hell out of myself by sorting through storage boxes from ten years ago, 5 years ago and the pre-Wales move. I am a bit of a hanger-on-er-er, so there was lots to go through, especially from things I've gone through, as you could imagine. I love our new suburb. It has a museum that is only open on Sundays and a shop that stocks my favourite designer. There is also a book exchange approximately 100m from my front door. Little Cwtch and I have sampled various cafes and of course she already has a few fans in the locals. It's nice here. It's comfortable. We have definitely moved in to phase two of the moving to Australia project. It feels like home here already. It's lovely living with Welshy in this familiar setting and introducing Cwtch to friends and family. I miss Wales though. I do miss the quiet and the green and the peace. I miss being able to walk out of the house without a care about locking the door, doing my hair, grabbing my mobile. It's the trade off I guess. Being around people means being around people. I miss my nieces especially. And the lambs. Ah...the sun is out, the baby is eating grime off the floor. Best get out of the house. x