Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The worm has turned.

So guess what? You know how i have a heart shaped uterus and i'm 32 weeks pregnant? Well the stats on her turning from her weirdo sitting upright position was something like 15%. I had accepted that i was going to have a c-section. I was thinking in terms of having her in 6 weeks and not having to wait until my actual due date or beyond.
And then the other night, I felt my stomach shifting like the tide. This swelling and falling and lurching around. I had a suspicion that she was doing something dramatic in there.
Then yesterday, i went to the midwife and she had a bit of a palpitate as they like to do. She took my hands and shoved them, quite deeply, low down on my belly.
"What is that?" I asked
"That's her head!" she exclaimed.

The little wriggled worm has gone head down. I have to wait until next thursday to confirm it by scan and she might still go breech again, but it's a really good sign that she is acting like a regular baby. This is good because if i go in to preterm labour and she comes really quickly, it is much better than coming early and being backwards (which was my biggest fear.) And it just gives us that added option.

We were a bit elated yesterday after that appointment. i said she was the smartest baby ever. Welsh said she's not necessarily smart but she is special. We did agree that she is really cute. And that we can't wait to meet her. Then Welsh said "I think you are going to have her tomorrow." And I said "based on what?" and he said "I am just in the mood to have a baby."
We'd been babysitting in the afternoon and the novelty of having a really cute little boy digging in the backyard with him had sent him in to fantasy land where our baby will come out being able to walk and operate gardening tools. And then be picked up by someone so we can watch Big Brother in peace.

I don't think she is going to come early. I've had no contractions or anything like that. I've stopped running. The midwife said that 37 weeks is considered full term. I think that's what she said anyway. Maybe she said anything less than 37 weeks is prem. I don't know but either way, that is only 5 weeks away which is hardly anything.

I just think she's so cute.


  1. Yes! Clever baby! We must skype soon before you get married/ have a baby/ anything like that xxx

  2. Oh gee! That must have been bizarre seeing her turn! Nothing like keeping your options open and either way you have to have a baby and it,s going to change your life! Oh and really hurt! ;)

  3. She did a weird turning thing again last night. I really don't know what she is doing in there but it is hurting my ribs and making me stare in to space with an alarmed look on my face.
