Monday, November 28, 2011


Your story began on a Thursday afternoon, in a delivery room at a hospital in West Wales. One minute, it was just your mum and dad and a room full of doctors and in the next, your tiny little cat-like cry broke the tension and suddenly, you were part of the world. Outside, it was freezing cold and unseasonably sunny for a November day.

But thats not quite right. Your story really begain in a bathroom at your mothers apartment, somewhere in a a beachside suburb of Melbourne. She looked in to your fathers startled face and blurted "I think i am actually pregnant." While your dad read the instructions on the box, your mum stood in the hallway blinking. Then they lay in bed and she asked if he was going to leave her to be a single mum and he replied "why would i leave you when you are about to give me everthing I ever wanted?"
Maybe that's where your story began. The next day they went to your great grandmothers funeral and decided that if you were a girl, they would give you her name.

But again, That's not really where your story started. Your story started at a bar on the night that your dad came back from a holiday in Thailand. He was meant to go from Melbourne to Thailand and back to Wales but got sidetracked somewhere and ended up on a plane back to Melbourne to propose to your mother with her favourite mascara and a promise to make is all work.

It started when they met on the beach and she screamed at him for no reason and he asked her if she'd ever live in another country.
It started when he left his wife and she left her husband and they decided to try for a better life, in the years before they found one another.
It started when she was told by a psychic that she'd never have children and she thought she knew better.
It started on his 28th birthday when he thought "mmmm, i wouldn't mind having kids."

Your story, our story, the story of how the two of us met in that hospital room in West Wales on a chilly November afternoon started 30 years ago. Your great grandmother, the one whose name you now share was giving your grandfather a telling off in the kitchen.
"If she wants another baby, you give her another baby." And your Grandfather, my father took her advice and had his third daughter, me.
That's where your story really began.


  1. omg i am bawling as i guess i have known you since the start of your story and one of the reasons i too went for that precious third childxx
