Thursday, December 30, 2010

And a happy new year.

Some stuff happened in 2010:

The Good:
I finished school.
I hung out with my personal trainer 49 times. Sometimes I even exercised.
Stayed in the same job.
Tried internet dating.
Tried publishing a short story.
Tried black pudding.
Went to Malaysia.
Moved house.

The Bad:
I left my husband.
Well he left me.
We left each other.
We said goodbye to a beautiful, caring, amazing woman-my brother in laws mum. May the memory of her sun shiny smile always remind us to look for hope and happiness in this life.
I got sun burnt (okay, okay, that was just something that happened today.)

2011 is so curvy with possibilities. Like a heavily pregnant woman.
Next year, I would like to:
Publish something.
Visit a hairdresser.
Get the battery on my computer fixed.
Get a job that pays me enough to stop worrying about money all the time.
OR stop spending money on stupid stuff when the rent is due.
Visit Paris.
Maybe go to Wales?
Run a half marathon!
Drink more water.
Spend more time with different people.
maybe go to wales?
Go to Wales.
Walk or run every day.
Be a better housemate.
Cook more.
Eat more.
Watch less crappy films.
Learn some french.
and probably go to Wales.


  1. love it! but you did forget two highlights: meeting Bret E E and Whitney Port!! Both HILARIOUS experiences. Here's to 2011 being a zillion times better than 2010! Love ya xooxox

  2. I hope 2011 is a better year for you, and that you manage to get to beautiful Wales {I am biased, my Dad is Welsh ♥ } Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year to you, my dear, and I hope one of the highlights of 2011 will be having a big birthday celebration in Paris!
