Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Part Where The Dust Settles And I Find Myself Still Standing

Hello world.

Well, what a busy last few weeks it has been. I've managed to finish two out of my three essays. I am ignoring the fact i have one more due date sneaking up on me. And i even got one essay back from the teacher and instead of seeing the dreaded CP i was expecting (hey, it was three weeks late and under word count and basically consisted of bizarre ramblings and zero references) i saw a glorious capital D. usually i would demand a recount and search the paper back to front for the missing H, but this time i just let it go. Close enough is good enough at this stage.

I've put a lid on hanging out with the Ex Husband and i feel better for it already. He was skirting around on my periphery and i felt like if i kept engaging in the dynamic of ex wife/ex husband, i was going to lose my mind. I don't like who i am when i am around him. I become someone who says things like "I wish i had never met you." That is even painful to write (although at times it does feel true...who wants to have seen the things i have seen? felt the things i have felt?) I still love the man. I still care about him deeply but the sooner my stupid heart realises that he is gone gone gone gone gone gone the better. Deep breath.

I have an incredible network of friends and some really nice nail polish colours. That's all i need right now.

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