Sunday, May 23, 2010

Run Spot, Run.

Good Morning!

I have a confession to make. Do not under any circumstances tell my Physio. For some strange and mysterious reason, i pay him $70 a pop to tell me all the things i CANNOT do and to watch me stand on one foot whilst suggesting i drink green tea and take fish oil tablets.
Anyway, i digress. My secret is this: I ran a little bit today. Now before you get all excited, it was probably only 500 meters, but it was 500 meters more that i have run in 2 months. And my foot is not even that sore. And it was beautiful and i remember now why i love it so much. Also, i walked about 3.5k's along the beautiful, beautiful beach. Sea gulls, dogs, old ladies in walking groups, hot young men with no shirts on, palm trees and excellent coffee. i love melbourne.

I really need to remember that walking and getting out of my head motivates me to do homework. It's like my body starts taking over and my little old brain starts think "ah...i don't think so my friend, get back in here...i will entertain you with complex concepts such as how neurobiology impacts upon relatedness. (yes, that is actually something i have been thinking about lately...more specifically attachment theory, brain development and what unmet childhood need led me to marry a commitment phobic, emotional unavailable, ambivalent child. bitter? hmmm.)
What was i saying? oh yes. walking=good for homework. Running=bad for a transparent relationship with the physio.

happy monday.

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