Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is how we met. (It's a great story)

I was standing at the bar, fighting with my ex husband.
(get ready for a massive double standard)
And he is saying something like "You are the most annoying ex wife in the world."
And i am saying "I am not your EX wife douche bag, i am still your WIFE"
And he says "No you're not"
"Yes I am"
"I am i am i am i am i am!" (I am extremely mature at times.)
He shakes his head. One little gesture. An annoying smirk.
So i spin on my heel (that actually happens in real life) and shout into the face i am now looking at:
"This man and I are still married. I just need someone to acknowledge the fact that I am married to this person, even though i am not married to him!"

And this face smiles. And this face looks me in the eye. And this face says:

"I know exactly how you feel."

And as the red dissipates i notice a quarter of his right iris is a different colour to the rest. I like stuff like that.


  1. Katie, I can just see that perfectly in action! I can also see how red your face and neck! Sounds enthralling and I cannot wait to hear what happens next in this story...oh I mean in your life.

  2. Chapter two:

    He said: "You are much prettier when you are calm."

