Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things Most People Have Known Forever But That I Am Only Just Learning.

You know how you can go through your life knowing things without ever really knowing them? For example, we all know that we will eventually turn into our mothers. We joke about it, tease our sisters about it, even warn our partners about it. And then one day we realise with earth shattering clarity, we will one day eventually turn into our mothers.

I feel like jogging is giving me some wake up calls to thoughts which have been waiting patiently in the corners of my mind.

Revelation one:
Life is all about choices. Big, small, medium. Some are the size of a cadbury cream egg, other are the size of the alarm clock going off at 6am. I have chosen to be lazy in the past. i have chosen to put on weight and eat terribly. The time has come to ask myself the question: You want to be fit and you also want to eat chocolate for breakfast. Which one do you want more? Because it is a choice and i'm the only one that gets to choose.

Revelation two:
My biggest battle is again my little old brain. Such a cliche but i can talk myself into or out off anything in the world. My inner voice is so loud sometimes that i actually cannot hear what other people are saying. When it is saying "you? a runner...i don't think so my friend..." my body feels stiff and weak and i give up. When it is saying "just shoosh up and run for gods sake" I'm sprinting along like nobody's business.

Revelation three:
Those numbers on the scale are bollocks. Seriously, i weigh more than i have ever in my life yet i am much more active now and certainly eating better than i did when i weighed 50kg. And i respect my body about 1.7 billion times more too. And probably look better in a bikini.

Now i swore at the start of this journey that i wouldn't go all "running is a way of life" on you. But it's not the running that is changing me, it's the changing me that is running.


  1. Running kind of is a way of life though... When I am training ( and I am in no way a fast runner) I think about how everything affects my body... from the water I drink, to my salt intake.

    Running, and training for a goal, really teaches you a lot about yourself...

  2. That, lady, is very inspirational. And true. I think I shall have to remember that.

  3. Katie I must say, your writing is getting better and better along with your bum. I love your writing.

  4. That is true e...i am learning a lot about myself through this process. i guess it's the stubborn smarty pants within that resists change.
