Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fate, Destiny and Safeway.

I just ran into an ex work colleague's wife in the supermarket. When i mentioned i am moving to Wales, she told me she had lived there for three years and loved it. Apart from the weather. The last time I saw her was the night I met Welsh and a few months later her husband offered me an incredible job, just when I had decided to go to Wales. Oh and she had a baby in a foreign country with none of her family around her. I feel like she is quite central to my story, without even knowing it. You see, I used to nanny for her sister in law when we struck up a friendship of sorts. Then I met her husband and we started working together on a photography project with young mums. I ended up working with him fulltime for a couple of years. Then the organisation we were working for was taken over by a new boss. I gotmarriedquitmyjobseperatedfrommyhusband and then that boss had a birthday party which is where i met Welshy.

Oh and I am having dinner with her and my ex work colleague on Tuesday night. They have just moved house. She wrote her address down on a piece of paper and as I walked to my car, I glanced at it. I shouldn't be surprised, but i was; Wales St.

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