Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Apples, trees and falling.

As a little girl, i was always a witness to my parents attitude towards exercise. My mum was always active-i do believe she was once a competitive body builder! And my sisters and i would often traipse along to the gym to watch her aerobics or step Reebok class (hey it was the 80's.) Jane Fonda was my first exposure to fitness videos and i could sing one of the workout songs for you word for word if asked ("there's so much more to you than meets the eye, there's so much more, i knew you're gonna try...there's so much more....livin' livin' livin' livin'...." as i said, it was the 1980's.)
And my dad? He didn't get into the Lycra as far as i can remember, but what i do remember is greeting him at the finish line of his marathons. He used to train by running from our house into the city to get to work. That's around 20 kms. One way.

So last night i had dinner with my dad and he tells me he has started running again. He wants to take part in the Melbourne Marathon this year. So I'm thinking....if a 60 year old man can run 42kms in one go.....surely....surely his 28 year old daughter could at least attempt the 21km version.

i know, i know, i know, i should focus on the big 5km I'm aiming for in March. But now i have half an eye on October too. I'm a procrastinator and I'm totally lazy but another aspect of my personality is that i am really stubborn..and persistent. As my father used to say i have "a one track mind." I wonder if that track is 21 km long?


  1. Shit Katie. This is getting serious. 21kms! You are becoming my latest hero and definitely favourite blogger. Please a) keep blogging and b) keep jogging.
    Shocked and impressed about your parents' pasts! You must have it in you! Go for it!!

  2. DOITDODOITDOIT. JUST DO IT. That would be INCREDIBLE. I would be in awe of you for life. oxox
